
Friday, September 2, 2011

Day Painting Begins Return to the Living

All Summer long it was night painting, which I love, it left my days open.  I was able to pull the regular day stuff off, do things with the boys, house work, shop, dinners on and on. The boys went to bed later than school year nights especially Dusty and his Halo. So getting into the studio was often 10 or 11 but once I was there I could paint without interruption. Nice! I could work until 2, 3, 4, heck lets work straight through and stay up all day and only paint until midnight the next night. I could only do that maybe once a week.Lack of sleep was really starting to get to me. So when school started I was glad to be joining the land of the living again and looking forward to a regular nights sleep. The land of the living it turns out is quite intrusive on my paint time. I forgot this. Phone calls are a big cuprit Little runs are the worst run to the post office, run to the bank, run to the school, run, run, run. It's not new. I did it all summer.  I just didn't think about it and my painting. I will have to do some shuffling and laying of laws that's all.It is just some getting used to again. Oh Let's hope.


  1. Julie, I like your blog and thanks for joining mine. I have been in the mountains this week unplugging from parts of civilization and your last blog post struck a cord with me. I am sleeping again, all through the night!
    When you write from you heart it comes through, thanks. Betsy

  2. Julie, how did you get your etsy site to show up on your blog spot column. I need to do the same thing. Thanks, Betsy
